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Title: Gestão de mudança no projeto de um novo produto: o caso do Fundo Garantidor para Investimentos
Authors: Lanz, Luciano Quinto
Keywords: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (Brasil)
Brazilian Development Bank
Pequenas e médias empresas - Financiamento - Brasil
Small business - Financing - Brazil
Administração de projetos
Industrial project management
Issue Date: May-2013
Abstract: This article analyzes from the change management perspective, the implementation of a guarantee fund managed by the BNDES, the Investment Guarantee Fund (FGI), which provides additional guarantees for very small, small and medium enterprises (VSMEs). For this analysis, we used change and stakeholder management models in projects, innovation in financial services and products, and guarantee schemes. The methodology used was a single case study conducted with the fund manager, with documental analysis and semi-structured interviews. The results of the analysis indicate that the corrections in the direction and pace in the Fund’s project implementation, together with stakeholder management techniques application and change management/control in project scope, led to greater security in the Fund’s implementation. This context prevents various risks associated with the operation and adequacy of the final product, contributing to a gradual but steady adoption of the Fund's guarantee by financial agents.
Other Identifiers: LANZ, Luciano Quinto; TOMEI, Patrícia Amélia. Gestão de mudança no projeto de um novo produto: o caso do Fundo Garantidor para Investimentos = Management of change in the design of a new product: the case of the guaranty fund investment. Revista de Gestão e Projetos, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 73-99, mai./ago. 2013.
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Artigos

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