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Title: As novas empresas mundiais de navegação determinam a evolução dos portos
Authors: Velasco, Luciano Otávio Marques de
Lima, Eriksom Teixeira
Keywords: Transporte marítimo
Marinha mercante
Merchant marine
Portos - Brasil
Harbors - Brazil
Portos - Argentina
Harbors - Argentina
Transporte de mercadorias
Shipment of goods
Issue Date: Jun-1999
Publisher: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
Abstract: This article presents the dynamics of the international shipping industry and its impacts on the development of ports. After a description of the principal problems put before ports worldwide by the major shipbuilding companies, an overview is made of the risks before Brazilian ports in comparison to their Argentinean competitors, illustrating the need for a profound review of the priorities of all agents involved (especially the port authorities), if the participation of Brazilian exports in the international market is expected to increase.
Other Identifiers: VELASCO, Luciano Otávio Marques de; LIMA, Eriksom Teixeira. As novas empresas mundiais de navegação determinam a evolução dos portos. Revista do BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, v.6, n.11 , p. [167]-185, jun. 1999.
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Artigos

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