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Title: BNDE: origem, recursos, estrutura e funcionamento
Keywords: Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico (Brasil) - História
Brazilian Development Bank - History
História econômica
Economic history
Bancos de desenvolvimento - Brasil - História
Development banks - Brazil - History
Economia - Brasil - História
Economics - Brazil - History
Issue Date: 1964
Publisher: Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico
Abstract: The BNDE's origins go back to April, 1950, when informal conversations were held between Brazilian and American authorities upon the occasion of a United States Ambassadors conference held in Rio de Janeiro. In 1951, the Economic Reequipment Fund was set up with funds raised by the Brazilian Government through a compulsory loan. In 1952, the BNDE was founded which the specific pourpose of administering the funds raised and coordinating the carrying out of projects in connection with the country's economic development. These are classified as follows: own funds (Capital and Reserves), funds freely administered by the Bank (Economic Reequipment Fund and National Investment Fund), and special funds.According to the law which established it, the Bank, which is a Federal agency administratively under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finances, may only grant loans or finance for the purpose of reequipping ports and railroads, increasing the capacity of warehouses, meat packers and stockyards, constructing and expanding the electric power system, and developing basic industries and agriculture, in accordance with a priority scale. The BNDE is managed by a President, a Director-Superintendent and a Board of four Directors, besides an Administrative Council with six members. The Bank's President, who may be dismissed at will, is appointed by the President of the Republic, as well as the Director-Superintendent, who is appointed for a five-year term. The four members of the Board of Directors are also appointed by the President of the Republic, and their term of office is of four years. It is also incumbent upon the President of the Republic to appoint the six members of the Administrative Council for a two-year term. The Bank's internal organization is broken down into the following seven Departments: Administrative Department, Loan Control Department, Economic Department, Legal Department, International Operations Department, and Projects Department. This article shows some data illustrating the BNDE's activity in its different aspects, with brief comments.
Les origines du Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico — Banque Nationale du Développment Économique — remontent à avril 1950. Lords d'une conference d'ambassadeurs nord-americains tenue a Rio de Janeiro les autorites bresiliennes et nord-americaines entamerent des conversations officieuses en vue d'etablir les bases du financement d'un programme de reequipement des secteurs de base de l'economie nationale. En 1951 on erea le "Fonds de reequipement economique" consume de ressources mobilisees dans le pays par le gouvernement bresilien moyennant un emprunt obligatoire. En 1952 le BNDE fut tree en vue d' administrer les ressources financieres mobilisees et de coordonner les projets concernant le developpement economique du pays. Ces ressources se divisent en trois grouper: les ressources propres (capital et reserves), les ressources libreinent administrees par la Banque dont la plus importante est le fonds de reequipement economique et les ressources speciales. D'apres la loi qui crea la Banque qui est un organisme federal ressortissant du Ministare des Finances, elle ne pent consentir que les ports et des financements avant l'objectif de reequiper des ports et des chemins de fer, d'augmenter la capacite d'enunagasinage, des frigorifiques et abattoirs, la construction et l'elargissement du systeme d'energie electrique et le developpement des industries de base et de l'agriculture selon une échelle de priorités. Le BNDE est administre par un Presilent, un Directeur Surintendant, quatre Directeurs et par un Conseil d'Administration de six membres. La Banque se compose de sept Departements: Departement Administratif, Departement du Controle de Aplications, Departement Economique, Departement Financier, Departement Juridique, Departement des Operations Internationales et Departement de Projets. Dans cet article l'auteur expose des donnees illustratives de l'action du BNDE sous ses differents aspects, suivies de commentaires succints.
Other Identifiers: BNDE: origem, recursos, estrutura e funcionamento. Revista do BNDE, Rio de Janeiro, v.1, n.1 , p. 32-71, mar. 1964.
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Artigos

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