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Title: Discussão sobre a necessidade de autorização legislativa para concessões de serviços públicos
Authors: Belsito, Bruno Gazzaneo
Tannure, Ricardo Tomaz
Keywords: Concessões administrativas
Brasil. Constituição (1988)
Serviço público - Brasil
Civil service - Brazil
Administração pública - Brasil
Public administration - Brazil
Prestação de serviços - Brasil
Provision of services - Brazil
Agências reguladoras de atividades privadas - Brasil
Independent regulatory commissions - Brazil
Contratos administrativos - Brasil
Public contracts - Brazil
Direito administrativo - Brasil
Administrative law - Brazil
Issue Date: Dec-2018
Publisher: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to discuss, in the light of the Brazilian constitutional order, if the concession of public services (intended by the Executive branch) has to be preceded by the approval of Legislative branch (formalized by the enactment of an authorizing law). In this way, after a critical analysis of the main reasons mentioned by legal doctrine and inserted in Brazilian higher Courts decisions, this Essay reaches two main conclusions. First, in accordance with the Brazilian Constitution, the Executive branch doesn’t need a previous authorization from the Legislative branch to sign a concession contract with a private firm. Second, the demand of such approval by any federal, state or municipality law would be unconstitutional – independently of the nature of the public service granted and the federative level of the granting authority.
Other Identifiers: BELSITO, Bruno Gazzaneo; TANNURE, Ricardo Tomaz. Discussão sobre a necessidade de autorização legislativa para concessões de serviços públicos = A discussion about the need for legislative approval for public utility concessions. Revista do BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 50, ed. esp. p. [345]-400, dez. 2018.
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Artigos

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