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Title: Priorizando o cliente no desenvolvimento de ferramentas tecnológicas: um estudo de caso do Portal do Cliente
Authors: Araújo, Taís Amanda Jorge de
Neves, Eduardo Martins
Frankel, Roy David
Camara, Carlos Eduardo Nobre da
Keywords: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (Brasil)
Brazilian Development Bank
Sistema BNDES
BNDES System
Programa BNDES de Apoio Emergencial ao Combate da Pandemia do Coronavírus
BNDES Crédito Pequenas Empresas
Tecnologia digital
Digital technology
Tecnologia da informação - Brasil
Information technology - Brazil
Instituições financeiras governamentais
Government financial institutions
Inovações tecnológicas - Brasil
Technological innovations - Brazil
Estudo de casos
Case studies
Programa BNDES Crédito Cadeias Produtivas
Portais da Web - Brasil
Web portals
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Publisher: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
Abstract: This article aims to present a case study of the developing and usage of a technological tool – the Client Portal – and some impacts in the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). In order to do so, some transversal issues related to the process of digital transformation that permeates our society are presented, bringing this discussion to the banking sector, especially in the public sector. Then, some tools and systems used by BNDES are explained, followed by the presentation of the Client Portal, a central tool for the process of direct loans granting in 2020. This tool is presented in a historical, technical and functional approach, in order to share this experience with the specialized public and to enable its replication to other public and private institutions that aim to improve their clients’ experience.
Other Identifiers: ARAUJO, Taís Amanda Jorge de [et al.]. Priorizando o cliente no desenvolvimento de ferramentas tecnológicas: um estudo de caso do Portal do Cliente = Prioritizing the client when developing technological tools: a case study of the Client Portal. Revista do BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, v. 27, n. 54, p. [166]-171, dez. 2020.
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Artigos

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