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dc.creatorAmorim, Sônia Naves David-
dc.description.abstractThe case describes a situation of domestic violence experienced by a black woman and the obstacles she faced to denounce the aggressor and assert her rights. The fact reported takes place in 2011 after Law Maria da Penha and the Statute of Racial Equality have been sanctioned, laws by which it seeks to combat domestic violence against women and racial inequalities, factors that produce exclusion and vulnerability, particularly affecting some segments of the population, as the black women. The case shows the contradiction between norms and their effective application, when the behavior of public agents still maintains standards and values of an authoritarian, patriarchal and slavery State. The case is fictitious, but reflects real situations collected in documents and reports of the Ombudsman’s Secretariat of Policies for Women (SPM)2. It stimulates discussion about the problem and possible action strategies.-
dc.publisherEscola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)-
dc.relationO combate à violência contra a mulher: a luta entre antigos valores e novos padrões de políticas públicas <>-
dc.rightsEscola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)-
dc.rightsAcesso::Acesso Aberto-
dc.rightsTermo::Licença Padrão ENAP::É permitida a reprodução e a exibição para uso educacional ou informativo, desde que respeitado o crédito ao autor original e citada a fonte ( Permitida a inclusão da obra em Repositórios ou Portais de Acesso Aberto, desde que fique claro para os usuários esses “termos de uso” e quem é o detentor dos direitos autorais, a Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP). Proibido o uso comercial. Permitida a criação de obras derivadas, desde que respeitado o crédito ao autor original. Essa licença é compatível com a Licença Creative Commons (by-nc-sa).-
dc.subjectcitizens’ affairs service-
dc.subjectdiversity gender-
dc.subjectblack women-
dc.subjectpublic agents-
dc.subjectviolence against women-
dc.titleFighting violence against women: the struggle between old values and new patterns of public policies-
dc.typeEstudo de Caso-
Appears in Collections:Casoteca: Atendimento ao Cidadão

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